Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Google: A Perfect Example of Why Management Matters

Everyone notice that the market is tanking pretty badly today?

Even the highly acclaimed regional banks seem to be taking a pretty good hit today, and they've been everyone's darling for the past several weeks. I'm not sure that will change for the long term, as many of them are still available for a cheap price.

However, there is one stock that is bucking today's downward trend. From the title, you probably guessed it: Google (GOOG), and this is a company where you cannot buy even one share for $500. Depending upon the commission rate, you might not be able to buy it for a cool $600, either. That's just ONE share, and it continues to be in demand.

What makes Google so attractive?

There are plenty of reasons, such as they have a presence all over the net. They constantly offer new products to entice new people to use their search engine. They smartly do everything to keep you on Google. They even have tutorials to help you use their products.

These are great, but I think the biggest thing that explains their success is their management. When you have a management team that encourages its workers to propose new ideas, you have a good company in the making (unless, of course, they only hire people with bad ideas). When you set aside time for people to do nothing but think, you have a pretty special company.

In a good economy, it's pretty easy to hide poor management. When there is enough money for everyone, someone will likely give you money, even if you don't really deserve it.

In a bad economy, however, people are a lot more discriminating how they spend their money. Plus, fewer companies have the resources to withstand the rainy times. This is where great management sets apart itself. It looks forward to these times, because they see it as an opportunity to increase their market share.

Who knows why Google really keeps skyrocketing? I don't know for sure, but my bet is on their management.

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